Friday, April 18, 2008

Renovation: Garage Doors

So today I was trying to set up appointments with garage door suppliers, making an attempt to not have my contractor do it. Considering I don't really think they have any better connections than I do.

I have two coming in next week...United Door and Precision. We are looking for 2 steel 9-ft doors...nothing fancy. White, maybe some simple windows on the top. No carriage house nonsense...we don't live in a carriage house, for crying out loud. Realistically, we are hoping this is an area we can save on a little bit. Would rather spend the money on a cooler driveway. (That will be another topic once I start bringing masonry folks in.)

So I found a few helpful links with regard to figuring out what kind of garage door one would actually need, and how the different materials perform. Now at least I won't sound like an idiot when these people show up and try to sell me next week.

A little more detail on the types of garage doors, and a rundown of the things to consider.

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