Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Good Day

Today makes me look forward. Whether you were an Obama supporter or not, it should really make everyone look forward. It's a fresh start, one way or another.

Why? Some big reasons, some little ones.
  • Our new president represents America as an intelligent individual, with poise and class.
  • I don't feel like our country will be a bully anymore. I don't like bullies.
  • I think that the first family will be a good example--an accessible one--to others in the country.
  • It's nice to have a First Lady that I can actually relate to.
  • Feels like my family is going to be more important to everyone, not just to me, for some reason.
  • I can't remember the last time this much of the country was excited about anything.
  • I liked the fact I followed so much of real-people-chat on Twitter and online, in terms of how they felt, how the day impacted them.
  • LOVE the new White House web site! http://www.whitehouse.gov/
  • It felt good to have both the kids in the room with me during the oaths.
  • What he says makes sense to me, as a person.
I hope everyone has good feelings in their heart today. It will not be easy, it will not be fast to fix all that is currently off-balance in the USA. But at least it seems like a good running start.

1 comment:

Kwana said...

I was and still am overjoyed. Yesterday was the most special day. I not to share the special moment with my children and my grandmother in Harlem and it was just perfect. It feels like a new beginning. Love the new White House site. It feel's like The People's house. All our's house. Great!