Sunday, April 13, 2008

It's all about me.

Right now it seems that little in my life is about me. Let me be clear, I am not complaining. I am a lucky gal.

I have two beautiful children. My little boy will turn four at the end of June; my little girl is 7 1/2 weeks old. I am so in love with them.

I have a glorious husband. Handsome with a wonderful heart and priorities in the right place. My best friend, my rock, and a great dad.

We have just renovated our home. Wait...I should say renovating. We're not done yet.

I work full time. Currently on maternity leave, I have performed some sort of marketing/advertising function for clients for the last 12 years.

All this makes me, me. And all of it will serve as fair game for posting. I want a history, an accounting of some sort. It seems life has increased speed exponentially with the arrival of our daughter, and I can't bear to lose it all or rely on a spotty memory rife with distractions.

Some of the earlier posts may be a bit historical for recapping purposes in order for me to catch up to the present. I tend to not like to come in at movies halfway through, either.

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